Sunday, August 09, 2009

Congress does not want to debate health care

My mother-in-law went to Rep. John Dingell's "town hall meeting" and reported:

Absolutely. The goons at John Dingell's town hall meeting were permitted to come in early through another door and held up their signs for the support of the Death Care bill. They were outnumbered by Americans who stood in line inside and outside the building. There were two nonproductive sessions. Dingell did NOT read the bill.
This is not a town hall meeting. This is directed debate or preaching to the choir. This morning, she was on the phone talking with my wife and reported that people could not orally ask questions. The questions could only be asked in writing. This vets out a true debate.

They don't want to debate, they want to impose. They want to spend an extra $1T per year (source: Congressional Budget Office) on this boondoggle, when the budget is already $3T.

It's August. Your Congressional Representatives are coming home to roost. If or when they announce town hall meetings, be sure to (1) arrive very early, (2) cover all the entrances, (3) wear clothing that does not announce your political views, (4) have a poignant question already drafted.

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